Who needs WHMIS training?
June 21, 2018

What Employees Need WHMIS Training?
The answer to who needs training and the extent of WHMIS education and training is something a company needs to consider. Everyone needs the basics. During the transition from WHMIS 1988 to WHMIS 2015 companies have been training employees on the Global Harmonized Standards (GHS) and WHMIS 2015. Chemscape is often asked for help clarifying who needs WHMIS training?
How To Determine Which Employees Require WHMIS Training
Chemscape’s recommendation for training is based on WHMIS requirements after the alignment with international standards (GHS) and the new federal Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR). You know your business; use these points as guidance to determine which workers require WHMIS training:
- Employees who may be of risk of exposures to chemicals or a hazardous product during work activities (this includes normal use, maintenance, and emergencies).
- Employees who use, store, handle, or dispose of hazardous products and materials.
- Employees who supervise workers who may be exposed to, use, store, handle, or dispose of hazardous products.
- People in emergency response roles.
Remember, hazardous products include cleaning and shop supplies that may not be classified under WHMIS 2015 but become regulated when introduced to the work site. Even office workers are potentially exposed to cleaning products and warrant basic WHMIS awareness training.
For comparison, WHMIS training for an industrial work site would go beyond the basics into site- and task-specific chemical hazard awareness.
Establishing WHMIS Training Guidelines for Your Employees
It comes down to what your organization will define as your best practices. Remember WHMIS education its more than just reviewing the basics on the WHMIS program. It involves applying this WHMIS knowledge to your hazardous product inventory, the everyday tasks involved on the job and making it relevant and engaging. Make it personal for your employees.
Chemscape has put together a WHMIS 2015 implementation checklist to download from our resources page to help you design your own WHMIS education and training program.